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“After 9 years of trading, I came across Jay (at Trading-U.com) and within the first week the puzzle was completed. I recommend Jay to anybody who is looking to succeed in their trading career…”

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Risk Disclosure: Trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor. The value of currencies may fluctuate and investors may lose all or more than their original investment. Risks also include, but are not limited to, the potential for changing political and/or economic conditions that may substantially affect the price and/or liquidity of a currency. The impact of seasonal and geopolitical events is already factored into market prices. Prices in the underlying cash or physical markets do not necessarily move in tandem with futures and options prices. The leveraged nature of FX trading means that any market movement will have an equally proportional affect on your deposited funds and such may work against you as well as for you. In no event should the content of this correspondence be construed as an express or implied promise or guarantee by Trading University that you will profit or that losses can or will be limited in any manner.

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